i. You can download the Comparison Table in order to conduct a more detailed evaluation. However, comments and notes have to be made on Procurehere's evaluation platform.
ii. Include comments in text form (max limit 250 characters). Comments submitted by evaluators can only be viewed by evaluation owner during the ongoing evaluation. Comments by other evaluators cannot be seen by fellow evaluators to prevent biases due to associated comments.
iii. Click finish to submit Schedule of Rate.
Note: that clicking Finish in a current envelope only completes the evaluation for that specific envelope. Any remaining pending envelopes must be finished separately. The envelope may include a Questionnaire, Bill of Quantity, and Schedule of Rates combined.
Note: that the evaluation owner will not be able to finish the whole event's evaluation if other evaluators have not yet completed their evaluations of Questionnaires or Bill of Quantities. Evaluation owner (lead evaluator) is responsible to facilitate responses from evaluators.
Alternatively, the evaluation owner can choose to remove any evaluator, if the need arises. See article on: Adding Evaluation Team Members in a Closed Event
Best Regards,
The Procurehere Team
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